Monday, May 15, 2006

Google behind the times!

Google recently introduced four new search tools.

I'll only write about the first-mentioned, Google Co-Op, here.

Way back in 2004(!) I wrote two posts, a day apart. At the bottom of both of these posts was a short paragraph explaining the technical requirements and projecting the probable user experience (i.e. the actual user operation).

The posts are archived at the bottom of:
(Selection is Censorship, and Recognizing Blogging Bias)

What Google now needs to do is to streamline the subscription to those sources, as well as allowing transitivity - so I can subscribe to multiple levels of sources (with appropriate damping of relevance as number of links increases). They already use PageRank to iterate through complex networks of links and back-links (of webpages) and settle on a stable representation. That could be used for this "distributed source approval".

And they already have a large database of "approved" internet sites.

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