Is UCT currently operating on both GEN2 and GEN3?
Compare GEN2 stats vs GEN3 stats:
The big view seems to indicate traffic starting sometime in Week 07, about Tuesday:
The uncommissioned orders page shows UCT's link to become active on 1st March, 2008. So maybe it's all testing traffic.
It's interesting to see the TENET-JINX graphs too:
Note that we're not seeing massive usage through JINX. This basically boils down to two costs as limiting factors:
1) The equivalent-line-charge
2) The ISPA category charge (small, medium, large)
Now TENET is an honorary ISPA member, so presumably doesn't have to pay the small [by comparison] R6100 pm. But there's an incredible step function in the Equivalent Line Charge going from R0 per month to R22k per month as you transgress 2 Mbps. So can we assume private peering in/near the JINX facility?
1 comment:
Just a quick note, TENET is exempt from Equivalent line charge fees at JINX, however, the other participants are not, and are therefore not upgrading their links, thereby limiting TENETs ability to pull huge traffic.
TENET also peers privately with Internet Solutions via 2 x 10gigabit circuits (one in CPT and one in JHB), primarily because of E.L.C that would be charged to I.S if this was upgraded, and secondary to that JINX doesn't offer 10gig yet!
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