Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Follow-up on Blackle

Dear interweb (and Faceweb too),

You might remember my recent post on Blackle, in which I questioned the utility of said site in fostering more efficient energy consumption.

Well, none other than Google herself (itssself) has now weighed in on this matter, in an Official Google Blog post entitled "Is black the new green?".

That post confirms a few points from my original post:
  1. Blackle is not affiliated with Google

  2. They do use the Google Custom Search Engine (thus potentially earning money on AdSense)

  3. A black background doesn't save money (they list some articles, including the WSJ)

I'm glad to see that Google felt the need to back me up on this...

1 comment:

Al said...

Wow, and I thought people didn't read my older posts.


Here in Cape Town we just use Noogle - AKA 'No Google' - when the power goes out. It's the ultimate in power savings...